Elemosinarum, 1801-1821.


Elemosinarum, 1801-1821.

This series begins in January 1801, the first year of the pontificate of Pius VII, and records alms either received in the hand of the recipient in person or attested with the recipient's signature. "I received from [person's name] 6 scudi as from the list on this day [name of recipient]." The money passed through the pro-datarius, though his role in distributing alms is not clear. Many women are recipients, either in person or through representatives. Payments may be for goods and services, returns of dowries to monasteries and convents, and so on. Many entries deal with ecclesiastical institutions in Rome. Series breaks during the Napoleonic period (1809-1815).

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SNAC Resource ID: 6837089

Bentley Historical Library

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